using buy now pay later does not make you broke just like using credit cards does not mean that you are broke or that you can’t afford something and I actually don’t like this narrative living beyond your means genuinely just means that you can’t afford the things that you are buying it does not dictate that if you buy it a certain way that you can’t afford something and being an intentional spender means that you understand all your different ways that you can spend and you do it in a strategic way do I use Buy now pay later it just never really fit in my money system however I have used chase and Amex’s buy now pay later feature and I don’t really care for them but I also don’t assume anything about people whether they choose to use it or not some people prefer buy now pay later because they don’t want to use credit and they don’t want credit cards for other people it’s psychological they prefer seeing smaller amounts coming out of their account versus bigger amounts there are also a few different use cases that I’ve heard that people use by now pay later that just makes sense to me like one of my friends uses by now pay later to order clothes she does her hauls gets the same size of multiple pieces the same thing tries on what she can so now it’s like a 20 dollar try on instead of a 200 dollar try on and sends back what she doesn’t fit it doesn’t scream broke it doesn’t mean that you are living beyond your means it is just what it is