Busta Fellows 2: A Detailed Preview and Personal Reflections

Guess what? Cool cat Busta Fellows 2 is coming to the States in 2025. And I honestly could care less. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s a good game. It has great characters. It had a great story. It definitely had a lot of content to offer, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea personally. But I did see how much joy it brought to a lot of the community. It was a great hit with a lot of people. I saw how much joy it was bringing to a lot of others with its great realism, with its great slice of life content, the pacing and honestly, in the second game came out the humor, with the design that it came out with the second game, I may be more of a gamer that likes more fantasy humor and more of a happy ending kind of gal, but I’m not gonna deny not to make game coming to the States, especially a good one like Busta Fellows. But that’s not what we’re here to talk about today. We’re gonna check out the trailer for Busta Fellows too, and see what this game exactly has to offer.

Got it. Quota.



何が誤りなのか、罰すべきものは何なのか、この世界の形を保つために、物事は白と黒に分けられる。白と黒の狭間に目を向けるものを苦しみ続けるだけか、誰もが心の中ではわかっているはずなのだ。物事は 2 つに 1 つだということ。白スパスフィックファン。

No, it’s not.

I can’t believe I mistaken. Ever got. It’s been a while. What? Right. She goes back in time.









I love the fashion. Oh, I’m definitely interested.



Protect the ones I care about, cuz justice.



It’s 25. Make sense? Look at crawl though. Yeah, that’s how it looked. Alright, so the last game that came out, talk, it came out with like a variety of stuff. I don’t recall like the overarching thing. I think it was like finding out like the, where the brother was at and it came out to be like so terrible. It was like so traumatic. At least for me it was like some traumatic. But this one from the looks of it is like going through here. It was very vague. There was nothing specific. It, if it’s anything like the old game, it was very focus on every each individual person’s character. So everyone’s gonna have their own separate focus probably everyone’s gonna have their own antagonist, but nothing specific. If anything, looks like they may be government focus or looks like maybe secret agents possibly. So I feel like event, I think it might be government focused and everyone’s like a secret agent of some sort. If there’s gonna be an overarching plot. But otherwise everyone’s gonna have their own antagonist of some sort. So that’s what I’m thinking. Just one looks a bit. Otherwise, there’s nothing specific.

The only comments I have is Crow looks like he’s so like a bad butt. But when you know his personality, it’s so not, but it’s so adorable. That’s what I love about. Got it.

But every character looks great. And I love her dress. It is so beautiful. I love it. I would totally wear that. But eh, yeah, everyone has like the same outfit, but the poses are so fantastic. I would not have thought it would look this good. I’m so impressed. I can’t wait to see it. I can’t wait to play it.