Battling Through the League Four: A Pokémon Adventure

Okay. Running it back on the League Four. This is our team. And you know what? I’ll take it. Uh, drifblim will surely just clean house here, right? Yes. Okay. 97%. Okay, um, there we go. Third, 113%. I want to see if I can evolve any of these dudes. Can you evolve 24%? Oh, okay. Cricket tune, Mustache Man showing up. Riolu. No. Okay. Okay. Uh, let’s just send in the drip limb again. W W. Bertha up next. Uh, let’s send in cricket tune. 1%. Imagine it wins that. Uh, Riolu, 42. Come on. There we go. Now we got a Lucario. Okay, send him in. This Magnezone, 38%. Okay, I want to see quagsire get at least one dub. Let’s, let’s clean it up with the roserade. Okay. Okay. Uh, driftling. There we go. 81%. Okay. Uh, two rock types left in a hippo. Let’s, let’s send a new 39%. Okay. I don’t think it sends in the hippo again. Yeah. Okay. There we go. Come on. Uh, it’s probably gonna go hippo. Yes. I’m, I’m predicting this. I’m predicting this. And then pseudo WUDO versus Lucario. Come on. There we go. Okay. Okay. Flint, um, we don’t really have an answer for you. Oh, no. Uh, let’s go. Let’s just see if Cricut Tune can, like, do something. That would have been crazy. Um. Miss Maggie’s. Come on. 35. Okay. Okay. Roserade, 47%. Okay, we somehow win that rose, right? Are you built different? 4%. Okay, I. I don’t know what’s going on here. 31. Yikes. Um. 46. Come on, driftblim. Oh, the earthquake that you are completely immune to took you out. Okay. Wow. Flint. Flint’s really like that, I guess.