Cubing Chaos: Solving the Rubik’s Cube Together

Make the picture. Okay, so I need a. A white corner. Yes. Okay. Amazing. Uh, you need a. A yellow edge and a white strip. Yes, yes. Okay. Uh, done, done, done. Very good. I need all green. Uh, uh, almost, almost. Yeah, yeah, almost. There you go. There you go. Done. Okay. And now I need white edge and corner. Done. Done. Oh, give me some time, man. Give me some time to prepare. Uh, that goes there, that goes here. Uh, no, I’ve lost it. There we go. There we go, there we go. Hold on, hold on. Okay, uh, now you need a. A. A yellow edge in a white corner. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Is that it? That’s it. That’s it. Nice, nice. And then all green. Green, green. Uh, yep. Okay. All done. And now just, uh. Just white corners. Just white corners. Done. Ah, there you go. Oh, nice.