The Mysterious Case of the Otter Pass Hikers: Unexplained Deaths and Haunting Secrets

Either died from injuries or died of cold. But either way, when they died, they were still breathing. The locals say that the Otter of pass doesn’t get avalanches. None were reported before the incident and none have been reported since. And what’s even more strange is two of the hikers eyes were missing. And one of them was missing her tongue. Avalanches don’t do that. They don’t. And maybe the strangest detail of all. Two of the hikers clothing had significant levels of radiation. They. They were radioactive? Yep. Now, despite all of the strange evidence, the case went nowhere due to what was called an absence of a guilty party. The investigation was closed a few weeks later. The final conclusion was that the cause of death was an unknown compelling force which the hikers were unable to overcome. And that was it? That was it. But the victims families weren’t satisfied, so they started demanding answers from the Soviet government. How did the Soviets respond? Well, all files, journals and photographs were classified. The area was made off limits and all evidence collected was destroyed. Of course. But there’s no shortage of theories about what happened. No