Love and Respect: A Heartfelt Conversation with Friends

Samsung. Samsung. Check my love buds. Love buds. Hey, how long have you guys dated? 1 year. 1 year. 1 year. Wow. You guys? Me or anything else? Anything else? I don’t know. Us er who approached? Who approached who? Mmm ha ha ha ha. It’s me. Who approached who? Me. Me. I met the first one. How did you meet coz? I was no. Hey, what one is it? I saw him at Zazu. Then I made the first move. Wow. What did you see in him that was special? He’s he’s respectful. I liked the respect. The wrist band. Even you’re tired. Pay those bills. No, but I saw respect. I didn’t see anything else at the moment, but you guys inspire me. NE so anytime. Thank you. Keep up the love. You know we love you too. I love you too. You know I love you. Lucky. Love you, bro. Anytime, bro. Anything else you want to know? So far so good, man. So far so good. Yeah. Thank you, man. I appreciate and I love you guys.