Gemma West at Lagos Fashion Fair 2024: A Fashion Extravaganza With Jessica CEO

Hi guys, I’m Jess, but for those of you that don’t know this face like you don’t know me uh, my name is Jessica and I’m the c E. O of the brand Gemma Wests. We make affordable women’s wears, the casual wears, corporate wears, business casual, minimalist styles, you know something trendy, classy, stylish. Okay, so on September 3rd to September 5th, 2024, the Lagos Fashion Fair is gonna start sponsored by Atlantic Exhibition and guys, I am super excited to announce to you guys that I’m gonna be part of the vendors. I’ll be exhibiting that day or 43 days because it’s a three days event like I said third, 4th, 5th okay, and I’m even more excited to tell you guys that I’m gonna be one of the guest speakers for the Master Class session. I’m really honoured to be one of the guest speakers for the event and I’m gonna be speaking on the 4th which is the second day of the fair whether you’re coming strictly for the Master class or you’re coming as a visitor probably to window shop or actually shop please come to my stand Gemma Ways come and buy anything you can buy come and buy anything you can lay your hands on last month being August was a very busy month or one of those busy months and the kind of plan slash target that I had for this fair, I don’t know fortunately, unfortunately I wasn’t able to actually meet up with The target that I had for the fair but I’m already committed there is nothing I can do about it I’m not going back so I’m gonna be there live and direct for the 3 days the event will be holding so please currently the idea for this fair for me is to sell literally everything I have available in my store so please whatever your hands can touch please come and buy I want to sell everything I have in the store because I have some creative designs in my head already that I want to create after the for now I’ve paused taking orders because we are already we are fully booked already and during the course of the event we’re not gonna really have time to handle orders okay, so after the fair we’ll start taking new orders like we’ll go back to taking our orders as usual okay, so please come out for me come out for your internet baby please as for those of you that have always been online encouraging me supporting me with your sweet words please come and tell me to my face those sweet words like it will mean a lot more to me if possible give me a hug like I need as much hugs I can get currently because I’m too stressed so please come around come to my stand my stand is not hard to locate I’m literally I think I think I’m number one I don’t know But I’m gonna find out on the third, that’s the first day of the fair, I’m gonna find out where my stand is, but I don’t think my stand is gonna be hard for you guys to figure out, okay, so please come around, buy as much as you can, whatever you can lay your hands on, just buy even if it’s 1, 2, 3, I don’t care, just buy something from me, okay? And I wanna use this medium also to say thank you very much to every single one of you that have been supporting me, encouraging me like strangers I’ve never met before, you trust me with your money. It means a lot to me. And the fact that we are making progress with this brand, it shows that Gemma West is doing something nice. Like we are, we are on track and I’m super grateful to god and to all of you because this entrepreneurship life is not for the weak, especially in our fashion industry. Jesus Christ. But you guys keep encouraging me, keep motivating me by ordering, choking me with orders. You know, I complain I’m tired, but I love it. Thank you guys so much. Please show me some love the more by coming out. If you can’t come on the 3rd, come on the 4th, can’t come on the 4th, come on the 5th, just come anytime. It’s gonna be happening at Eko Hotels, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. So please come through. For me. Alright, I’ll be expecting you guys. I’ll see you guys pretty soon without being said mwah, bye.