Financial Success and Investment Insights: A 24-Year-Old’s Portfolio and Lifestyle Observations

You have $101,000 in a high yield savings account at 24 years old. Incredible. Love to see. Yeah. 10,000 in Robinhood Fidelity. Oh, 162,000. Roth IRA is at 32,000. And then the 4 O 1 K is at 18,000. All my Roth is just index funds, mostly SMP. Here today, SMP 500 is up 15 point 15% at the time of recording this. I mean, look at the trend on this Fidelity account, dude. It’s like, Whoo! You know, it’s. It’s really starting to. That bell. And then your credit score is at 8:03, so that’s great. You spent like 800 bucks on Calvins. I’m a Calvins boy. Dude, parking. I cannot believe how good it is. I had it for the first time ever when I moved out to the Midwest. Almost as good as in and out. Do you call Tennessee the Midwest? Yeah, I’m from LA. I don’t know. Okay, well, it’s not the Midwest, to be very clear. They consider that the south. No way. Tennessee is definitely not this. Yeah, Tennessee is. It’s like the middle. No, Tennessee is in the south. It’s not the Midwest. Look up your US regions, good sir. I’ll check.