Helping a Brother Out: A Tale of Locks and Support

What’s good, man? I am looking to help somebody in need, but I need your help finding them, though. Um, he has locks only on the top of his head. It’s like this. Like, he don’t got none of this back here. All that’s gone. And I know he really needs some help, so if y’all can help me find him. His locks are also, like, different colors. They gonna. They go from, like, dark to, like, light brown to, like, dark again on the roots. But really, I’m just trying to get him the message that I got him if he needs some help. I got the crochet hook, I got the hair meat. I got the extra, you know, locks. Are we intact? I even got one. I got three hooks. So if y’all know who I’m talking about, please, please, please tag him in the comments, man. Please tag him in the comments. Let him know I’m looking for him. Let him know I’m here to help him. Unfortunately, I don’t know how it feels. Only have locks on the top of your head. I bet the back of your head probably get a little bit cold when the wind blowing. But, hey, I’m here to help you out, man. Like I said again, I got a bag of hair meat. I got some locks already intact, and I got crochet hooks, man. The perfect package to help you, you know, boost up your ego.