Reflecting, Healing, and Moving Forward: A Message of Accountability and Growth

Alright, hello everyone. Um, I have seen and heard everything that’s been said and what’s transpired these last few weeks on the internet. And I have been quiet because I’ve genuinely just been listening and taking everything in. I have been holding myself accountable and reflecting into the mistakes that I’ve made and the things I’ve done in my past in order to be completely honest and transparent with y’all and hold myself accountable to the internet, right, like I should have done a long time ago. And I wasn’t ready to yet until last night. My parents were brought into this. And now my 60 and almost 70 year old mother and father have been receiving countless death threats and getting harassed all day and are scared. It’s cruel, it’s wrong and it’s not the way that we should hold each other accountable. It’s just not right now. I, I have never abused anybody in my life. That’s not who I am, that’s not what I do, that’s not what I stand for. I’ve never abused anybody emotionally, physically, mentally, you know, verbally. That’s not me and that’s not what I’ve done. That’s not who I am. Now in saying that though, right, I, I know that I have not been the best partner and I take accountability for that. I have not been a great girlfriend at times and I have fallen short so many times in my relationships. I wanted to give my all, I wanted to Be the best partner that I could be. I just didn’t have the right tools at the time, and I wasn’t that complete person that I thought that I was. And to my ex girlfriends, I genuinely am sorry, I, I really am, I. These past four months and a lot of, you know, the last years of my life, but especially these past four months, I have been completely off social media and locked out from all the outside noise in the world to focus on myself and to go to intense trauma therapy and to heal so much pain that’s been with me, right, for so long and affecting the choices that I make and the things that I do in my adult life. I have been journaling, right, meditating these things that I need to do in order to be the best person that I can be and consistently grow and heal and learn and develop into the human being in the adult that I know that I can be. I hope that everyone involved in this can just find peace and healing and forgiveness and that we can move on and learn something from this and that, you know, you all know that in my life, all I strive to do is to be good and to give back and to help people and to make this world a better place. And that’s all I will continue to do. It is so thanks.