Review of the Heartbreaking Movie Ironclad: A Journey of Tragedy, Loss, and Resilience

So I randomly watched this movie last night, ironclad. And it was the saddest, most tragic, awfully heartbreaking story I’ve ever seen. Spoiler alert. Trigger warning. If you’re gonna watch this movie, and I don’t recommend you do it. Is that sad? You know how sad? First of all, this movie is so sad. Okay? Starts out with Five Brothers, okay? The end of the movie, four are dead. One died at 6, one got in an accident, had his leg amputated, got back to health, then died. Two others took their own life. I read articles after the movie’s over, like, I do find out this movie was so sad. And they left out a whole. Another brother and him taking his life because they thought it would be too sad. People wouldn’t believe all this happened. Five of six sons died. Drug overdose, suicide. One of the wrestlers, baby died. Brother. And the dad was just. It was terrible. It. I said, man, okay. I don’t know why I watch this on a Friday night alone. Zac Efron was acting his butt off, though. At the very end, it was the saddest thing ever. He was crying. His baby was like, why are you crying, daddy? I used to be your brother. I ain’t no brother no more. And the baby said, we’ll be your brother. I said, well. Well. And now I’m dehydrated.