Prioritizing Mental Health on Father’s Day: A Call to Action

hi everyone and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there I got coffee in bed and breakfast bacon and eggs that was lovely I do try to prioritise spending some time with the family I think those kind of connections are really important For mental health and that’s something I wanted to talk to you about today being Father’s Day is mental health it’s really important that we check in with the men in their life tragically men make up three quarters of all deaths by suicide in Queensland that means that six men die by suicide every single day the risk of suicide increases over time and that’s highest amongst middle aged men we want all men to seek help with their mental health common sign are things like headaches feeling of anger sudden loss or gain of weight that kind of thing I’m really focused on making sure that we support Queenslanders whenever they need it that’s one of the reasons we introduced a mental health levy to raise important funds to go towards mental health services alcohol and other drug addiction services that kind of thing we’re expanding the men’s table which is a chance for men to get together and get support we have a dedicated DV Connect men’s line but there’s always more to do and I’ll be announcing new funding for community based mental health programs today if you’re struggling with your mental health please contact the Mental Health Access Line or lifeline and if you know someone who you think needs help please encourage him to do that as well thanks everyone for watching and I’ll see you again next weekend