British Babes vs American Boys: A Podcast Discussion

English women on American boys. A few weeks ago, BFF discussed whether or not English women like American boys the same way American American women like English men. Since then, a podcast called Wednesday is hosted by two English women discuss the topic. I could personally never be attracted to an American boy because their personality and their humor. I couldn’t agree more. For me personally is it. I find just icky. American Boy Chat is like, hey, how are so fucking intense. Like, oh my god. Yeah. Hey, how. How are you? You look like a stand up girl. I bet you went to school and got really good grades. Where is the boys? Like, what’s happening out there? So they’re saying they don’t like American boys, but their logic made. Didn’t make an ounce of sense. what holes are you poking into their logic, Dave? All guys go up like, how are your. What, how’s your family? You’re a nice girl? Like, what are they talking about? Yeah, no, I, I’ve never ever opened up a conversation being like, you look like a girl that got good grade. Hey, yeah, that’s fucking. What are we talking about? Craziest line I’ve ever heard. And instantly you sound like a creep that’s into school girls. They sound like two girls have never been to America. That, that. I can’t get over how pretty that girl looks. Like a supermodel though. I, I don’t know which one you’re saying. Let me. What the. Which one? The one with the mole. This one. The first one. Oh, I thought you were gonna say the other one. I mean, she’s gorgeous too, but the other girl to me looks like, um. Cindy Crawford. Sorry, Dave just took that. That’s crazy. No, she looks like the one that dates. Um. Maybe I’m saying the wrong person. Cody Gerber. Austin Butler? Yeah, yeah, that’s her daughter. So she does that. The daughter looks like Cindy Crawford. I couldn’t even pay attention to what she was saying cause I was just thinking how pretty she was. Can I see this girl again? The one that Bree is in love with. Your. Her. This one does not look like Kai Garber. She. I’m not saying she’s ugly, but you. Would you like the Crawfords? Kai Garber? Please. I don’t know. Put some respect on their name. Put some respect on their name.