Make It Rain on Them Rescues: A Story of Generosity and Treats

make it rain on them rescues what are you doing nothing I definitely wasn’t being weird you sure about that cause it kind of looks like you were making it rain treats on the dogs that may or may not be exactly what I was doing okay but why though I was playing Treat and I got an update from chewy on Treat* saying that the treats that I sent to the shelter arrived wait a minute you’re sending real treats to real shelter dogs and everything’s tracked via chewy how much does it cost though no that’s the thing it’s free okay well then why were you making it rain treats on the dogs honestly I was thinking about all of the dogs in the shelter that were gonna enjoy those treats and mid cry looked over and saw my rescues and thought man they could really use some treats too and then you walked in yeah that seems about right I wanna play treat where can I download it at you can find it in your app store