Doubling the Trouble: A Hilarious Tale of Twin Thoughts and Neat Ideas

I think every guy has thought of twins, right? Every guy. Yeah. And you’re like, I’ve never thought of twins. I think it’s because. Well, I don’t know. I’ve never. I actually have never until right now. And I’m not opposed to it. I don’t. I don’t think it would be a bad thing. Yeah, no, I think it would be really neat. Neat? That’s how you describe it. It’s a neat story. Haha. Well, cause I’m trying to picture two of you. Uh huh. Cause I know what you’re good at. So I’ll be like, Tom number one, you do this, Tom number two, you do that. Do you know what I mean? I could maximize the experience cause I know you so well. Uh huh. It would kind of be awesome. Wait, what am I not good at?