Love Stories: Three Heartwarming Tales of Marriage, Loss, and Hope

Let’s read three anonymous notes from three strangers. After my husband and I got married, he became very sick. For over half of our marriage, he could barely move to leave the house. Before he passed, I cried and told him, I’m sorry that life was so unfair. He kissed me and said, I’d choose this life every time if it meant I got to be with you. He was my home for 36 years, and I still think about him every day. I got my wife a very small ring when I asked her to marry me because it’s the best I could do. I was so ashamed. I held off proposing for a week out of embarrassment. When I showed her the ring, she cried and said it’s the most beautiful ring she’s ever seen and that she would have said yes if it was a plastic ring. We’ve been married for 17 years, and she still shows her ring off to everyone she meets. My husband passed away a month before we had our only child, and I was lost. I felt like I was just going through the motions. But when he turned 5, he looked at me and said, Mommy, I want to marry you when I grow up so you won’t be lonely anymore. My pain has never truly went away, but he’s made living so much easier. He’s the gift my husband left me.