Apple Issues Warning About Charging iPhones While Asleep: What You Need to Know

If you have an iPhone, you’re gonna wanna watch this video because this really is not good. Now please share this video with anybody who has an iPhone, which is probably most people. So apple have officially issued a warning saying if you charge your phone while you’re asleep. You need to basically read the statement. I’m pretty sure a lot of you probably do charge your phones while you’re sleeping. I do leave mine on right next to my bed. That might have to change. And this is why. So apple have not said you have to stop charging your phone at night, but they are saying be careful of where you are putting it due to overheating. Literally said if an iPhone is covered so it can’t properly ventilate while it’s charging, it could overheat and cause serious injury. That sounds good, doesn’t it? Flipping brilliant. They’ve said this you should avoid prolonged skin contact with the charging cable and connector when the charging cable is connected to a power source because it may cause discomfort, injury, or death. Now they’ve also said sitting or sleeping on the cable or on the phone is really, really bad and you should never, ever do that. Now I know a lot of you probably do sleep on your phones. I know people that have their phone under their pillow. But if you do have it under your pillow, that is not good because it could blow up in the night. And you can say goodbye to your noggin. They also said don’t ever sleep on a wireless charger. I’m not gonna sleep on a wireless charger, am I? My bed isn’t a wireless charger. Oh my God, I swear some of this is just common sense. Like I probably wouldn’t charge my phone and sleep on. But yeah, I don’t know. They’ve issued this warning. They’ve said that, you know, be careful. Cause yeah, there’s probably been some idiots out there who have probably left their phone on charge for about 4 days straight, left it under their pillow, and then it’s probably blown up. But yeah, hit that follow button and I’ll keep you updated.