Pizza Taste Test: Deadpool and Wolverine Edition

You still have two flavors left to try. Oh, my gosh, are you guys serious? If you don’t already know, I bought a bunch of Deadpool and Wolverine pizzas, and there’s one I really don’t want to try. Pineapple and black olives. You guys really want to see me try that, so we’ll do that today, as well as taste this one that I’m kind of excited for. The Wade special is pineapple and black olive. I don’t see how that could possibly ever be good. And the other one, which actually sounds really good, is pepperoni, chorizo, and bacon. You guys also told me that there was a cut out of a Deadpool mask on the back of the boxes. There is not. Oh, god. So here’s the spicy wooly pie, and then here is the Wade Special. Let’s go over to the Pizza Cooker. 3,000 first, let’s put the spicy Wolvie pie on. And it’s done. Man, this thing cooks fast. Next up, let’s try the Wade Special. Actually doesn’t look bad, but I bet you it’s gonna be okay. First up, the one I’m actually excited for. Spicy Wolvie Pie. A spicy chorizo on this makes it so good. 8.2 out of 10. Okay, here is the Wade special. You can see all the pineapple and black olives. Let’s try it. 7.9 that honestly wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. 100,000 likes and I’ll try whatever the top comment says.