The Influence of TikTok on Fashion Trends: The Rise of Archives and Personal Style

Why do we all like the same stuff? I think TikTok was very pivotal in a lot of people’s lives to really bring fashion to the forefront of their mind and allow them to truly experience it. But this in turn is then meant that trends seem to move faster, key items become rinsed out quicker than ever before. And why wouldn’t they? Why bother experimenting with fit silhouette cut brands when you know your favourite influencer looks great in it anyways? Styles and aesthetics are easily identifiable, products are easier to find, and it’s all just so easily drip fed to you. I actually think this is why archive has got so big. It’s far more likely you’ll have an item that nobody else can get, and even if someone does have the same item, it won’t look like yours. And I’d argue that a lot of people feel a more deep rooted personal connection to these archive items. Then it makes you more exclusive. It’s your piece, nobody else can get it and consequently you stand out more in the crowd.