Empowering Success Through Positivity: The Downfall of Cynicism and the Rise of Collaboration

this is a fantastic article for anybody to read it talks about how people that are cynical and tear each other down make less money and are less successful in the long run in it it shares that more than half of parents think that for their child to succeed they need to look at the world as a dangerous and scary place also goes on to say that if most people were asked 70% of them would say that people that are cynical that have a negative viewpoint on the world are smarter than people that are non cynical but it could not be farther from the truth there is a ton of data a lot of it shown in this article shows that people who are cynical and have a negative viewpoint on the world cut others down step on each other to build uh make a third of the amount of money of people who are non cynical have far less enjoyment of their work are in far less positions of power and leadership barely get into the positions of power that they desire perform worse on cognitive tests so they’re not as smart as people who are non cynical often end up isolated and alone because they hurt others to avoid being hurt so I just think that we need to promote lifting others up at leading with kindness collaboration wanting to see others succeed choosing to look at the world from a good place and if that is the way that you do lead right now amplify that shit make that shit louder so that others can see how it’s worked for you because the data shows that that is actually the most effective strategy and leads to a much higher chance of success in both enjoyment of life and monetarily so let’s fucking make optimism and helping each other way more cool because we’re all gonna succeed because of it