The Cost of Building a Tower: A Reflection on Christian Commitment and Authenticity

What man builds a tower without first realising he has all the material? You know what the Bible says? If a man starts building a tower without first counting the cost and having all the material, people will laugh at him. They’ll see that he didn’t finish what he started and laugh at him. Why is the world laugh at the church? Why are we mocked? The Catholics aren’t mocked. The Mormons are not mocked. The Jehovah’s witnesses are not mocked. The Muslims. You know, every time they attack any thing, it’s always Christianity. Why? Because we didn’t count the cost. And we’re fake and we’re halfway. And we built our lives on sand. And we look like Christians and act like Christians and talk like Christians, but we’re not Christian. We’re not true disciples because we haven’t ever fully laid everything down.