Snape and Potter: A Darkly Hilarious Encounter at Hogwarts

You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct? Yes. But you were unsuccessful. Professor Snape, please. I’m studying. No, you don’t have to do that. I’ll fail you anyways. Umbridge made me look like a fool today. You don’t need Umbridge for that. She said, and I quote, putting out my best acting skills for this. Potter. Professor Snape! Professor Umbridge, there you are. You ran out of your class crying. Very unprofessional. You look like a pink butt plug. Professor Snape, I’ll make sure to discuss your behavioral issues with Dumbledore. Do you? Not if I kill him first. Right? Potter? What? What? Oh, no, never mind. That’s for the next movie. I will give you one last chance. I’d rather cause a train to derail into an orphanage. No offense, Potter. Head back to class. Professor Snape. No! Can’t you see that I’m chilling with my bro Potter over here? We’re not bros. That’s because I’m basically his father because I had a thing with his mom. He didn’t. Potter, can you just? Okay. If you’re not going to do what I ask you to. Yes. I usually don’t let Pepto Bismol tell me what to do. Get it? Because she’s pink and causes nausea. Well, at least I still have parents. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are they, like, a million years old? Did your mom fart too hard and it caused a Big Bang? I’m telling Dumbledore about this. We’re a Great team, Potter. Yeah, we’re not a team. We need a name. How about Severus and Orphan Boy? Beauty and the Beast. Parents? Horcrux. Scarface. Please leave.