Reimagining Masculinity: Embracing Strength, Leadership, and Kindness

this is what healthy masculinity looks like and before you scroll away because you already saw this video I made it a couple of days ago no I didn’t and no you didn’t so strength leadership confidence a willingness and ability to provide guidance the physical ability to protect all of these stereotypically masculine traits are embodied by Sherein here because as much as we associate masculinity with men manliness manhood those particular values are not the exclusive domain of men and neither is masculinity I’m sure that there are some people out there who are thinking ‘wait the last time ‘you talked about this video ‘you talked about him ‘in terms of masculinity ‘now you’re talking about her? ‘you can’t have it both ways!’ but yes we absolutely can because and I hope it’s clear at this point masculinity is not just one thing and not the property of just one group of people and just as his exercise of masculinity expands beyond the normal stereotypical boundaries of masculinity so does hers because this is a masculinity grounded in kindness not aggression and in community rather than competition