Summer of Hope: Making a Difference for Children in Foster Care

Hey, friends, just wanna get on here for a minute and say happy summer to everybody. I hope you’re having a great summer with your family. I know me and Lauren are enjoying our time with the girls. Summer is always a great time to make memories. And I think about, makes me think about kids in our country, in our own backyard who don’t have that opportunity this summer with family there. Kids in our foster care system who are, who I know fault to their owner, just have a desperate need for home.

And Lauren and I started foundation called for others. Many of you heard me speak about this, but we do two things. We bring awareness to this issue and we help fund best in class organizations that are doing amazing work across our nation to end this crisis.

Well, July 4th this week, Independence Day. Happy Independence Day. We are partnering with a movie called sound of hope. It’s a story of it this little town called Possum Travel in East Texas, close to where I’m from, that has done amazing things. They, they, it’s true story of what they did in their community to really do something about this crisis for children. And it’s very powerful. And I think telling the story will bring awareness to so many people. So would love you to check it out if you can. It’s not an easy movie to watch in some ways, it’s a powerful movie. And God bless you guys. And I hope to. I hope all of you have an amazing summer.