Understanding Food Allergies: The Dangers of Testing Fate with Nuts

I’m allergic to nuts and my Epipen’s gonna run out a day, so I’m gonna eat some nuts and see what happens. Just a few nuts? Nah, that’s too many. I’ll probably fucking die. I just wanna see what happens cause I’ve never had a. What’s it called? Anaphylactic shock. Had one before and I just wanna see if I can like firm it and I don’t wanna waste my Epipen, you know what I mean? Hi, my name is Doctor Ruben. I’m a board certified allergist. I cannot verify whether he truly has a food allergy or not, but it appears that he is likely okay since there have been subsequent posts. However, nobody should go on social media and say that they have a food allergy and intentionally eat something that they are allergic to because that could lead to a potentially life threatening situation known as anaphylaxis. Also, if you have an expired Epipen and the medication is clear and not cloudy, you may still be able to use it, but it may have less effectiveness. You should talk with your doctor to learn more about this. However, if it’s yellow or cloudy, then you should discard it in a red sharps container.