The Sourdough Buzz: A Day of Elite Eats without Calorie Tracking

Welcome back to another episode of what I eat in a day as a figure who doesn’t track her calories. I started off with two slices of my favourite sourdough bread with almond butter, banana and hemp seeds. If you are not on the sourdough wave yet, literally what are you doing? Sourdough is the most elite bread there is. Also, this is your reminder that not every meal has to have 40 grams of protein in it. I then had my Venti Starbucks iced coffee because I literally cannot resist a Starbucks coffee when it’s fall. The pumpkin flavours are just screaming my name every single day. For lunch, I had rapini and beans and two meatballs. Oh, and there was a little bit of white rice at the bottom for that carbohydrate source. Got a fuel. At three PM, I made my midday iced coffee. I just figure out how to make an iced coffee at the office with bagged ice because we don’t have any other ice. And it’s been amazing. My mom was not very creative for dinner today and she made the exact same thing I have for lunch with chicken thighs and salad. But it’s okay. It was still delicious. Love your dinners, mom. And that was everything I had today. See you in the next one. Bye.