Birds of a City Feather: A Humorous Discussion on Urban vs Rural Wildlife

Hey ladies, I’ve just had a thought and yes, it did hurt and when I had this thought I was like, oh, should I ask this to my boyfriend or my friends? Nah, they’ll think I’m a dumb. You know who I can ask? My lovely bedwetters Louisa and Jarchi. I was just thinking you know how some birds live in the city? Do you think those birds are like city birds and they go like they migrate city ones from the country and the country ones like nah mate, we’ve been having fucking roadkill on the side of the road and you’re having Macca’s pits as a fucking city mate, this is the stupidest fucking call I’ve ever made but like what do you actually think? I love the thought I’m gonna regret this. Please don’t play this one. No, that is probably one of my favourite hotlines cause that is absolutely something I’d think there’s a skid in that. That’s truly a funny thought. Yeah, I reckon like the city a country come to the city a country Ibis flies in from one of the one of the great billboards. What the fuck is this? Yeah, and he sees all his mates eating out of bins. He’s like, look at these scat fucking city. It’s fucking eating out of bins. So mate, you know how many witchy grubs we eat? Witchy grubs right there you fucking soft so you’d have no idea what hot chips are. No, that’s All they live off here in the east. I love the thought of country animals versus dogs would be a very stark contrast. Well, like a kelpie that was raised in fucking Bondi versus a kelpie that’s back in races. That’s, that’s a good, that’s a good skit. Correct. And that was actually the perfect, where the perfect people to ask that sort of stuff. Hundred percent. Cause we, we love it.