Trying to Silence the TikTok Music: A Journey to a Drama-Free Post

I don’t know why TikTok has started putting music on my TikToks, and I don’t ask it to. Hopefully it’s not gonna do it on this one. I’m gonna see if I can try and go to post it and then come back and remove any sounds, see if that works. The most important part of my message earlier on was that I hope you have a lovely day and that I’m gonna be doing TikTok shop tonight at 9 ish, and it will be my last TikTok shop for a week. So if you need anything, jump on. We are nearly home. Is Miss Lyra causing havoc? Making a mess? Door handles over there. Not causing havoc and not making a mess, which isn’t nice change. Um, but yes, we’re nearly back. We’ll be back in about 20 minutes. Thank goodness, because this train journey has been quite something. I’ll tell you about it later on. Anyway, sorry for the weird music. Fingers crossed. I think I’ve worked out how to make it not happen. So let’s see if I can post this without any musical drama.