Invisible Struggles: The Social Stigma Surrounding Polyamory

why do people care so much about other people being polyamorous when I came out two years ago on the internet about it people lost their mind they didn’t care that I I happen to be trans or non binary over our burlesque entertainer they didn’t even care that I used to be a former Shrek worker they didn’t care about that at all they cared a lot about me dating multiple people they lost their mind about it I’ve been married to the same person for five years been together for eight years and my current partner and I have been seeing each other for almost an entire year and honestly I don’t understand why people care so much you know and I also think it’s weird that we can easily make jokes about this and means about this and everyone’s like yeah polyamorous people even other polyamorous people will jump on those memes and start making fun of it and stuff and I get I get it but we’re acting like there isn’t a social stigma on it we’re acting like people are not judged poorly and are affected in real life about it I once heard a boss of mine said that people thought of me poorly because I was untrustworthy because I was someone who’s polyamorous and you can’t tell me that people are losing jobs or job opportunities for it you can’t tell me that it can be harder for people who are the polyamers to adopt I’m just saying if you are jumping on a meme or a joke about polyamorous people and you think it’s so easy and easy Slam Dunk had just a joke ask yourself is it really or are you contributing to a larger problem