Words of Wisdom: Do Not Return to Old Patterns

hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on now grandbaby. Now before you scroll you mind having some tea with your pop pop please? thank you grandbaby you know that I love you and I miss you and I’m hoping you’re having a good day today cause if not I hope your day gets better because you deserve it grandbaby yes you do cheers and salud to you and that’s some good tea right there yes it is so grandbaby this will pop pop wanted to tell you today do not go back to old patterns grandbaby because they feel familiar alright I’m gonna say that one more again do not grandbaby go back to old patterns and behaviors grandbaby because they feel familiar to you grandbaby alright it’s easy to go back to things grandbaby because you feel comfortable and we know what’s gonna happen grandbaby but if it’s hurting us inside grandbaby we have to stop grandbaby and be okay with the changes that we don’t know cause there’s peace and good things on the other side now have a little bit more of your tea then you can go I love you grandbaby take care now bye bye