Reflections on Technology: Navigating the Technological Shifts of My Generation

Stop. Stop scrolling and ask yourself this. Can I live without my smartphone for 48 hours? If yes, you’re either lying or you’re special. My generation witnessed the biggest technological shift of mankind. As a child, we only had one telephone for the entire house. Personal computers only became available when I was in my 50s. I began learning how to use the computer in my early 70s, and it changed my life. Hey, Google, what is the distance to the moon? The moon is about 384,400 km from earth. I just love my gizmo. I wonder what technology would bring 30 years from now. Anyway, back to my point. People are now so addicted to their devices. It’s shocking to see for someone of my generation. I wonder. People’s attention span can be as low as three seconds. Three seconds? Imagine. That’s like the attention span of a goldfish. Honestly, it’s worrying. My advice? Before technology enters our blood, try to develop hobbies that don’t involve devices.