The Controversial Stoppage: 25 Grand Knockout Bonus Denied

Did that referee rob me at 25 grand? I’m fucking fuming. If that went on three or four more seconds longer, I would have knocked them out. And I would have got a 25 grand knockout bonus for a clean knockout. Well, bro, he wasn’t pointed about 15 seconds, it was gonna be a knockout. You know, maybe that’s why he stopped it, to be fair. Trying to save money, you are. There’s a lot of people saying there’s no way. Stoppage. It was harder after the fight in the ring. I thought it was premature, could have went on longer, but will come back. Counted 14 punches with trill from when I rocked him. He went from one side of the ring to the other. Unresponsive. Not all of them landed. There were four or five clean ones right in the chin. That’s a sign of unresponsive. Now that’s stoppage. And at the end of the day, the referee’s in there, he’s probably seeing it. He’s always looking way money in the bank. Just not 25 K extra and a. Yeah, big up to Warren Spencer. Absolute warrior. He was way better than I expected. He was strong, he was tough, he was fit as fuck. Yeah. Look, I wish it went on longer to put on more of a show for you guys, but it is what it is. Until it isn’t.