Building a DIY Super Strong Signal Receiver: A Retro-Inspired Project for Long-Distance Internet Connectivity

Watch closely. A few metal pieces can create a super strong signal receiver. It can connect to the internet from 20 kilometers away. This idea comes from the 1,970 s. It was inspired by the world’s first lunar rover. The rover was unmanned and remotely controlled from earth. It moved on the moon using a helical antenna to transmit information. Making this helical antenna is simple. Take a can lid. Drill an ATM hole in the center. Next cut the can lid into 17 discs. Each four came in diameter. Also cut one 5 cam disc, one 6.8 cam disc and one 9 cam disc. Attach the 17 small discs to a metal rod, spacing them 2.2 cam apart with nuts. Fix the three larger discs at the front end. From largest to smallest, space them 7M, 9M and 12M apart. If the spacing is incorrect, the project will fail. Drill holes in the two larger discs. Thread an Ethernet cable through the holes. Connect the other end of the cable to an adapter. Plug it into a computer to test. The computer will show many networks. Test the connection speed. It can reach up to eight MPs. This speed is fast enough for streaming videos. Next, test in different areas. Point the signal gun at the target. It can receive networks from 20 km away and the speed is very fast. Then modify it to connect to a router. The computer can access the internet for free. Did you Learn how to do it