Decluttering and Delight: A Guide to Debt-Free Gift Giving with Personalized Pictures

Hi, friends. This is going to be the first of a series that I’m starting on debt free Christmas, holidays, birthdays, any kind of day of the year where you spend money. There is no sense in going into debt for Christmas. And I’m using Christmas specifically, but you can apply it to any other day where you have to buy gifts. There’s just no sense in it. We’ve gotten conditioned to it, we’ve gotten trained to it, and there’s just no reason for it. Um, this first tip that I’m gonna give you, I did while I was, um, in one of our Friendship Garden meetings a couple of nights ago. So if you heard it, I apologize, but I want to get it in this series. This is the first tip, and it’s also a decluttering tip. Um, everybody has got pictures, um, old photos, uh, in drawers or in albums or on your phone or whatever. Everybody has got stacks of pictures and albums somewhere. Most of us that are older. Younger people have them on your phone. Everybody loves to see a picture of themselves, of their parents, of their grandparents. Everybody enjoys that. My first tip is get boxes. Any. Any kind of boxes you have or you’re going to get, write each person’s name on them that you want to give the pictures to and start sorting through them. And, I mean, when’s the last time you went through your pictures? And if something Happens to you then. Uh, people are gonna either throw them away, or they’re gonna be fighting over them, and it’s time for you to let go. So get a box and just start throwing pictures in of each person that you think would like to have a certain picture. And tell everybody right now. Um, I think there’s something like 115 days left to Christmas. I’m not sure, but it’s about that number. Um, tell everybody now when you talk to them. I will not be buying gifts this year. I will be giving gifts from my home. And in the end, when you’re gone, people are going to be very grateful for it. And just watch when you give people their box of pictures for Christmas or their birthday or any other day of the year. Watch how they light up seeing them. And it’s a gift from the heart. You don’t have to spend money on it. And if you want to get fancy with it, you can decorate your little boxes. Or you can, you know, don’t go buy anything. Use things that you’ve got in your house. Cut up an old dress and wrap and glue the box with the material. Don’t even have to be Christmas material. Come up with little ways that you can fancy up your little boxes if you want to or you don’t have to. But don’t go by ribbons. Don’t go by paint. If you are gonna buy paint. Guys, um, anytime you go to Home Depot or Lowe’s, they have a little cabinet sitting there where they mix paint for people that is now $2 and $3, and you can use that for a lot of things. I’ll put that in another video also. But the first thing is start now. Start going through your pictures, your albums. Put people’s names on boxes. If you want to get fancy, you can do a collage. You can do all kinds of things with them. But let’s get those photos out of our lives. We don’t need them. Other people will enjoy them when they’re just sitting in a box or in a love. Love chest or hope chest or anything like that. So that’s the tip, number one. And I’ll go to number two soon. I love y’all. Bye.