Affordable and Fun: A Review of the Digital Photo Frame for Your Loved Ones

I just got this digital photo frame from my husband’s office I’m gonna set it up and I will be right back so I was able to set this up you download the app for this and you just upload all your pictures to there you can choose 100 at a time which is awesome it has unlimited storage space so you can send as many photos as you want you can have it up this way or you can turn it this way and have it horizontal so this will stay on my husband’s work desk this is a really good present for like your parents your grandparents just send the pictures from your app so if if you give this to your grandparents or your parents they’ll just constantly be getting pictures from you which is super fun so I will be updating this for my husband so he’ll get new pictures while he’s at work it’s so much more fun than just a regular photo because you can have multiple pictures just filing through also this is one of the most affordable photo frames I found I bought them in the past from my grandparents and it was a lot more expensive this one ships and it got to me in about a week and a half if you need ideas for your parents or your grandparents for Christmas this this is it this was so easy to set up