Invisible Strings: Trusting in the Unseen Magic of Future Opportunities and Connections

babe right now you have *at least* dozens of invisible strings to the people that you’re yet to meet the opportunities you’re yet to have the places you’re yet to go the homes you are yet to live in but they’re invisible to you right now that is the nature of an invisible string but something is gonna happen in the future where you meet that person you get that opportunity and you look back and you’re like hold on a second there was an invisible string here multiple invisible strings but it’s just that they’re supposed to be invisible right now! that is the nature of the invisible string so right now can you have faith in the strings even when they’re invisible eventually they will become visible they will be things that contribute to your faith but right now can you trust in the unseen magic? because it’s happening whether or not you wanna acknowledge it right now or whether or not you can actually see it right now