The Unconventional World of Adrian Street: A Unique Journey Through Wrestling and Beyond

He is different. He certainly is. Seems to have received a mixed reception from the fans, but. Well, I’m sure you’ve got Terry Ellis rather confused too. I don’t know whether you want to dance with him or wrestle him, but I guess we’re gonna see. He understand he’s got a tremendous reputation that belies his outward appearance. That he is a tough competitor. I don’t know if well known in England. Played in the movie quests for fire. He has. Lives in his own castle then a movie star over there. Quite under. Quite an unusual person. Seems to have Terry Ellis in a bad way though. Oh, tremendous forearm. He has that European style where he throws a tremendous uppercut type forearm that is really devastating. Oh, he leveled it. It’s like he’s got a few back alley Liverpool type tactics too. He really is taking it to Terry Ellis. Of course. Coming up next, Nature Boy Buddy Landel. See Dr. Beth Williams and Bernie Ladd. Brick House. Adrian Street there with a thundering form. You know, his appearance sort of belies. Look at that right there. Does a quick scissor and he dropped the man right back on his head. I’ve never seen that move. Adrian Street with a victory on his debut here on Mid South Wrestling. Ladies and gentlemen, you have seen. Shut up! Mr. Adrian Street victorious here in his first encounter on Mid South Wrestling. You come here with quite a reputation, sir. Quite an artist. Movies, recordings. And that’s just a few of my many facets. Just like a beautiful diamond, you understand? Just like a beautiful diamond on my friend, the Queen’s crown. And that is one thing I miss coming to this place. As you know, I came here for two reasons. One was that I heard in the Mid South had the most, most fantastic talent going in the United States of America. I’ve come here to check that out for myself. But also, I’m a very, very keen student. I’ve gone anywhere from Borneo studying the diaks to the Amazon studying the. The javaros. And I was told if I wanted to study savages, that a mid south was the place to come. They’ve got these peculiar people called Caucasians. I’ve heard of occasions. What an occasion! And they have cowboys. I can tell cowboys straight away because they’ve got that very feminine walk, you understand? And they wear those funny hats, and you can always tell. I often wondered why they call them cowboys. But when I see the women that they sort of take around with them, the women that they chase, then I understand why they call them cowboys. Because the women they chase are just like cows. All these filthy habits, too. Swilling beer, chewing tobacco. Swilling. Swilling beer and chewing tobacco. Can you. How horrible, do you know? And some of the men are just as bad. Absolutely disgusting. All the spit in this Horrible stuff all over the place. I really miss my afternoon tea. You understand here, I don’t think they even understand what tea is. From time to time, I’ll be given little hints, you know, the same as I did when I was in Hollywood and Paris. Little hints and booty tips and things like that. But here I’ve got to start from the very, very basics. There’s something that they probably never heard of in this place. I’m gonna start from the basics. A little thing called soap. Soap. I’m gonna explain to everybody what soap is. Well, there’s the initial comments from exotic Adrian Street. And we’ll be back with