The Complex Factors That Keep Women in Unhealthy Relationships: A Cinematic Exploration

Through the movie, you get to see how women end up staying in those bad relationships. Because, for instance, like, he tells her sometimes he’s like, it’s an accident. Or like, I didn’t mean to do that. Or sometimes he’s like, I’m gonna get better. Like, I’m gonna go to therapy. I’m. I’m never gonna do this again. Like, make these promises. Because sometimes you hear about what happens and horrible, unhealthy relationships and you’re like, why is that person staying? Like, when are they gonna wake up and realize? But then you see in this movie how it’s a slow progression sometimes and how they get more and more tangled in. Like, you have a kid together, you have plans for marriage, you have friend, other friends involved that you don’t wanna tell. Like, there’s so many of these other factors that kind of, like, twist their reality and their perception that make them wanna stay. And it just gave me so much more compassion for those people.