Easy Hair Pro: The Ultimate Guide to Tapes and Halos Extensions for Minimal Damage

I have tried every kind of extension. Wig, Halo. This is literally my box of hair. Okay? And you can tell I’ve been every color. If I’m lighter, I have hair. If I’m darker, I have hair, like, everything. I thought I would do a video on my favorite, first of all, Halo and my favorite types of extensions. I don’t wear extensions a lot, but when I do, there is one brand that I really love. And I have tried sew ins. I have tried the ones where they do, like, little individual hairs and you’re sitting there for like four hours. And I’ve tried tapes. For me, I always lean towards tapes whenever I do extensions. Um, and I don’t like to put a lot of extensions in my hair. Right now I have extensions in just cause I wanted a little bit of length, but I don’t have a ton. I’m using tapes. The tapes I use are by Easy Hair Pro. Highly recommends for somebody who wants just great tapes that aren’t heavy, that aren’t going to pull your hair. I don’t have, um, really any damage. I’m very careful with them, so whenever I take them out, I don’t have a lot of damage with them. And also one thing that I’ve noticed is if you take your extensions out for, you know, months at a time, so usually in the summers, I will not have extensions in at all. And then I may put Them in, um, for the winter for a little bit. Okay. The reason I love Easy Hair Pro tape ins is because they are very thin, so they’re not gonna really pull your hair. I’ve had extensions in the past where they’ve been so heavy that I feel like they give my hair so much damage. So these don’t. They’re very. Cause they’re very thin, um, the hair qualities really amazing. I usually will keep them in and move them up 3 times and then get a new set. Also, tapes just aren’t as expensive as the sewn in or the. The ones where they put them in individually. I also have the Easy Hair Pro, um, Halo. So if you’re somebody who even wants less maintenance, but you want a little bit of extra hair just for like, events or special occasions, their halos are very, very well done. Um, whenever I did Housewives, there’s a scene, I think it was season 3, where we’re jumping in the Baltic, see, and I take my, um, Halo off. And that was by Easy Hair Pro. I’m not getting paid by Easy Hair Pro, but so many people use extensions or hair pieces and it’s hard to know what kind are the best. And since I’ve used so many in my past and recently put a set in, I thought I would get on here and just, um, let you guys know how amazing this brand is. Um, especially if you’re Wanting the least amount of damage