Title: Debate: Four Years of Donald Trump as a Dictator or Re-Electing President Biden for Four Years?

Would you rather have four years of Donald Trump as a dictator or four years of President Biden re elected? You know, you don’t have to like the words that come out of the man’s mouth, but sometimes in life, we all need a good paddling from the principal to. To set our life on the right track. And this country does need a little bit of that. It. We need a little paddling. I mean, I was a problem child growing up, and it took a good leadership to set me straight, so I. I think our country does need some of that. So I. I hands down believe people wanted it four years ago, three years ago, so. But they didn’t vote that way, right? I don’t know about that. You. You think it was a stolen election with. Without a doubt. The other day, Donald Trump said on his first day, he’s gonna be a dictator for a day. I like that. Yeah, I like that. Would you rather have Donald Trump as a dictator for four years or re elect Joe Biden for four years? I would rather have Donald Trump. I’d like them to see the repeal the Roosevelt law so that he can be a president for a lot more than four years. But we. This country needs a dictator. I hate to say that, but it’s the truth. Donald Trump said in a speech that on day one, for a day, he would Be a dictator. What do you think of that? No idea. I don’t know. Would you rather have four years of Donald Trump as a dictator or four years of Joe Biden as a President? Trump as a dictator, maybe. Would you rather have four years of, uh, Donald Trump as a dictator or four years of, Joe Biden as a President? Donald Trump all the way. Even as a dictator? Yes. Yes. Even coming out of Slovakia? Yes. Yes. Would you rather have four years of Donald Trump as a dictator or four years of Joe Biden as a president? No, we have a dictator currently, so, yes, we do.