Exploring the Future: OpenAI’s Impressive Figure 0,1 Robot Presentation

And we are live. Welcome to another episode, AB Driver quick talk. And today we’re going to be talking about the OpenAI figure 0,1 robot. OpenAI just released a little presentation showing the robot doing a couple tasks and talking to a person. Rock.

Hey, figure 1, what do you see right now?

I see a red apple on a plate in the center of the table, a drying rack with cups and a plate and you standing nearby with your hand on the table.

Great. Can I have something to eat?

So right away, the guy acts. The robot, what do you see around you? And the robot responds. And it responds what he sees in front of him, which is amazing. It’s like just putting a camera on a computer and is movable and it could talk like a human being.

Sure thing.

Great. Can you explain why you did what you just did while you pick up this trash.

On it? So I gave you the apple because it’s the only edible item I could provide you with from the table.

Great. So based on the scene right now, where do you think the dishes in front of you go next?

So he just gave him an apple and he put the trash in the basket while talking. So he’s just showing multitasking is shown that he could continue to do his actions as he speaks.

The dishes on the table like that plate and cup are likely to go into the drying rack next.

Great. Can you put them there? Of course.

Alright, so how do you think you did?

I think I did pretty well. The apple found its new owner. The trash is gone and the table where is right where it belongs. I agree. Thanks. Figure 1. You’re welcome. If there’s anything else you need help with, just let me know.

And that was just a short presentation that the OpenAI released on the robot. I think it’s very impressive. I don’t think this will be the robot that will be in our household. I think we will have better and more advanced versions of this. I think this is just a demo. I don’t think this is intended to sell. But what they made so far is very impressive. It’s amazing the way he talks, the way he hesitates on some words and stutters just makes it very realistic to pause that he has shows that he’s thinking and looking for the best answer. The way it could explain why it did the things it did and the feedback it gives. I, he thought he did great in this scenario. It just shows how much we are advancing with robot technology. The way it could perform actions and have a full blown conversation with you is just mind blowing. I know a lot of people are afraid of this, like with many other things, people were afraid of computers, with phones, social media, but this right here would save time.

As in will save time with living life, like we spend one hour in cooking, 10 minutes and eating, and 45 minutes in cleaning up. We spend two hours with laundry. We spend so much time with these different chores and tasks. The next thing you know, your day is over. But with the help with these robots, they will be able to perform those chores while you at work and when you come back from work, you could still be productive. This could be useful for so many families. How many parents you know complain about time management? All of them. And I’m one of them. I wish I could have something that could help me with my child. As in cleaning up, as in doing simple task. Well, I have to watch my child at times in the video, it felt like there was somebody in the back controlling it with a little remote or like a keyboard and mouse. But this is the real deal and I’m all for it. There’s a lot of times where I wish I could just come home from work and just work on my podcast and with this robot that would help me make that happen. And this is just the beginning of it. Like it doesn’t have any skin on it. It doesn’t have any appearance on it. I’m sure you would be able to customize all that down the line. And obviously, with everything, but this is more down the line in the future. Like with everything, these robots will eventually become mass produced to the point that every household have a robot has more time for you to enjoy life.

I could only hope that people will use this robot for the right things because that’s the only thing that comes to mind is positive things. I really don’t see anything negative about this robot. Can it harm me? Sure, it could harm me. But is it programmed to harm me? No, it’s not program to harm me. If it harms me, then it was a malfunction.

But that’s with everything I know. We have all seen 1,000 ways to die. Every day is a challenge. Every day you’re surviving. We just survivors. That’s the way life is.

I love what OpenAI is doing. I hope that this robot keeps evolving, it keeps advancing, because I’m all for it, has my full support. I’m in love with the idea. I’m in love what it could do for us. It could save time and enjoy life. I’m from New York City. I like everything fast. I like to move fast. I like to save time. And this right here, I feel like this will make my dreams come true. And that’s all I got for you guys. Don’t forget to drop a like a subscribe, a comment, share, do all that good stuff for me until next time.