Navigating Picky Eating: Finding Solutions with Feeding Littles

Hi. Hello. Hey. One of my most commonly asked questions is, what advice do you have for picky eating? And I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t have great advice for picky eating. Mostly because when I talk about parenting, I’m talking about parenting through the lens of my own experience parenting, and knock on wood, I did not have picky eaters. I did have some food preferences and some of those were interesting to overcome, but I didn’t have kids that only ate three foods, all of which were beige. So I can’t actually give you advice on how to help your picky eater expose themselves to new foods, enhance their palette, increase their dietary intake. But you know who can? Feeding Littles. This is one of my favourite resources to recommend for parents struggling with picky eating. And they have a brand new cookbook out, Feeding Littles Lunches. And this thing is fantastic. It gives you the why’s, it gives you the recipes, it gives you pictures and step by step instructions and you need to check it out.