Gifting a Dream: Surprising a Young Fan with a Free Guitar

Got contacted by the department of, uh, make a wish come true foundation, and they said that a little boy who’s been watching my channel for quite a few years now, he’s been wanting to get a guitar. So I’m gonna go and surprise him with a free guitar. So we are at location, and we gonna meet the little boy from the make a wish dream come true foundation and present this guitar to him right now. Let’s go find him. It says, please wait to be seated. But we will not wait. We will go find him right now. 오우 can I do a video where you guys. We did good. We did good. Put your name right there beside my name. He’s a lefty. Are you gonna hang it? He should be able to pick where it gets hung. On the door of men’s room. Yeah. Wait, wait. It should be over the women’s restroom, in my opinion. Oh, little creepy. I like it. No, no, that’s not creepy. That’s normal.