Morning Routine Musings: Excitement, Cleaning, Workouts, and Nails

Good morning. I was tracking Luke, and I know he’s almost home. I’m so excited to see him. Good morning. Does anyone else frantically clean before their husband gets home? Or just me? Good morning. Say hi to your wife. Good morning. Ha, ha. I’ve had way too many lollies in the past week. So I do mostly water and then a little bit of plain apple juice. And then I have a green apple pre workout that, like, really brings out the apple flavor. I literally just got these brand new tops, like, two weeks ago. Rambo already did a number on them. Let’s go. So I’ve been doing one week of going to the gym fasted. I’m down 6 pounds since last month. My toxic trait is only thinking about my coffee spice latte on the treadmill. First I’m having my homemade sourdough. I like to do one sweet, one savory. Now I’m gonna go do my nails on myself. I’m really nervous. But of course I’ll video everything for you guys. That’s my morning. Okay, bye.