Bachelorette Birthday Blues: A Trip to Miami Filled with Letdowns

Hey, guys. So I need help. Where in Miami? It’s my Bachelorette trip and my birthday is tomorrow, and we have not had fun yet. It’s been a bunch of let downs. Like, the whole itinerary has been out the window because we’ve been let down so much by all these restaurants and all that stuff. Like, last night, I’ve never caught out a restaurant, but, like, I’m gonna have to call them out of something because we can’t even get a hold of a manager cause the manager wouldn’t talk to us. It was insane. The customer service was terrible. This is the restaurant we went to. We heard really good reviews, and there’s, like, live dancers, like, fun dancing, and we heard the food was really good, so we’re really excited to go. Here, my best friend Cassie, come here. So this is my best friend Cassie. She’s the one that made the reservation. She made the reservations, like, two weeks ago. She put in the reservations. Like, it’s my Bachelorette, it’s a birthday. And, like, if there’s a way you can, like, make us closer to the dancers, like in the water? Yeah, sit by the water. Like, if there’s like, a cause, there’s a big area that’s like, the fun area. So the reservation was at 8:30. We got there, like, at 8:20, and then. So we try to check in, we checked in, we’ve passed, like, five employees. So five employees saw us. Keep that In mind. And we waited over an hour and a half to get seated. At like the 45 minute Mark, they texted Cassie like, hey, the table’s ready. We go up and then they’re like, oh, no, the table’s not ready. And then we go up like 15 minutes later like, hey, like, what’s going on? They’re like, oh, no, the table’s not ready. We went up like five times because we kept getting told the table was ready. And then we couldn’t even find, like, a manager. Like, hey, can you guys, like, fit? Like, what is going on? So finally we get seated, and they put us in the corner of the restaurant. They put us in the corner of the restaurant. Hour and a half later. And I know Miami, you know, it’s crazy with this stuff, but, like, I’ve never waited an hour and a half after, like, having reservations, but they put us in the corner, shove us up there, no sorry for waiting, nothing like that. It’s just like, go in the corner. Couldn’t see anything, couldn’t see the dancers, nothing. Away from all the music. And then the waiter comes out, ask us what we want to drink. None of us want alcoholic beverages at this point, cause we’re, like, really irritated. No one was talking to us. The communication was not there. And so I just order a lemonade. And then. So the other Cassie went. She went to go find the Manager to figure out, like, what is happening. So apparently, they were. They weren’t even gonna sit us, because no one told us for the hour and a half that we were waiting, that some of us had gotten dress coded. But they weren’t even gonna sit us in the first place. They were just gonna literally let us sit there, like, in the lobby, waiting. And, like, they. They weren’t gonna tell us we got dress coded. Mind you, other people were wearing our stuff. Yeah, there was people. Like, their whole, like, butt was out, like, everything. Like, so I don’t know why. It was just, like, we had gotten targeted. It was the fact that there’s no communication. Like, no one told us that we got dressed coded. There was five employees. They could have told us, like, at the door, you cannot come in. I would have much rather that, because then we would have been like, okay, go somewhere else. Like, we went out of, waited, wasted an hour and a half hungry, and. But no, they just decided, like, not tell us. Yeah, I order lemonade, and then we get our food. The food was okay, but I’m. I still don’t have my lemonade. So I figured at this point, you know, I’m not getting my lemonade, I’m not gonna press it. Like, I just wanna get our food and leave. And then the waiter comes by while I’m eating. He’s like, oh, you Didn’t get your lemonade? I was like, no. And so he came out, gave me my lemonade when I was literally almost done eating. And so, um, like, I had, like, two drink, like, two little sips of the lemonade, and that was it. And then we looked at the check, and I saw the lemonade was on the Bill when it was eight dollar lemonade. And I was like, why am I being charged for this lemonade that, like, I got after the entree? And I barely, like, drank it? And I was like, this. That’s just crazy. So I asked the waiter, I was like, can you please take the lemonade off the Bill? Because I didn’t get it till after my entree, and I barely drank it because I got it after my entree. And he yanks the lemonade and walks off. Like, he just yanks it and walks off. Like, I’ve never been at a restaurant or anything where they forget, like, a drink and then they still put it on. Like, they forgot the drink, and then they give it to me after my entree, and then they still put it on the check. Like, IHOP would have comped the drink. And it was the fact that he, like, yanked it from me, especially, like, with the attitude. It’s just the whole place, like, it was just like, we. I don’t know. That was insane to me. And then today we’re like, okay, today is Gonna be a better day. And we had a drag brunch. She made reservations at 2:30. All that, and they overbooked. They overbooked, so we couldn’t go to the drag brunch. So we have not done anything yet. And then it’s like it’s been raining this whole time. So does anyone, like. I don’t know what to do. Does anyone have any, like, clubs or something that. So if anyone has any, like, reliable spots, please let us know.