Embracing the Low KD: A Message of Encouragement for Team Players in Rainbow Six Siege

If you have a friend with a low KD, that’s absolute dog water. Like a point nine KD, tag them down below because this video is for them and I have a message for them. Hey man, you have a point nine KD or lower and I have a message for you. Okay, now that the baiting warden and ash players are gone, let me tell you the true message. Listen, KD doesn’t matter in Rainbow Six Siege. Everybody that has a high KD is a beta or they play fragging rules. You just have a low KD because you’re a great team player. You bring up the vibes, you play thermite. And yeah, you may die planting and your KD may not be great, but guess who has the best attitude? Guess who doesn’t cry when they die on ash getting spawn killed? Or guess who stays alive on defense even if you’re put in 1 v 5? All the betters are gone, so this is a safe zone and a safe space for certain players with a low KD. Now I don’t have a low KD, but I just want to reiterate to you that it’s okay if you have a low KD. You will be fine and you are a fantastic and great player. Do not let the baiting warden ash dog players get in your head, okay? They tagged you in this because they’re jealous of your vibes and how good you are on thermite and Montane. So keep up the great work, brother. You’re doing awesome. And I want you to lock in this next season and prove them wrong. The bettors aren’t here to bring you down. I’m here to bring you up. And you got this. This next season. Keep your head up. King, your headset is falling off.