Ultimate Guide to Launching and Selling Online Courses: Lead Generation, Trust Building, and Belief Creation

There’s this really common thing that happens when someone tries to launch an online course or a digital product. They put all this effort into this product and then they announce it to the world and they make a few sales maybe, but then it’s crickets. So I’m gonna solve that problem for you right now. I’ve been creating online courses for the past decade. I’ve launched dozens of them over the years. I’ve had a lot of failures, but I’ve had a few successes as well. And I wanna share with you what you need to know if you wanna make a full time income selling courses or coaching programs. First of all, the biggest thing you need to understand when it comes to selling courses is that it’s a numbers game and you have to be focused on lead generation. If you don’t have enough leads coming into your business, people joining your email list or your online communities, then this business model is not going to be very sustainable. You have to realise that the average conversion rate from an email list, for example, is only 1 to 2%. If you have 1,000 people on your email list and you go to launch your course, you might only make 10 to 20 sales of your course. So you have to be focused on lead generation if you want to make this business model work. You have to get attention. That’s part of the game, generating leads. But Then you don’t just go into hardcore pitch mode if you wanna sell your higher priced items especially you have to build trust. Typically that’s done with some sort of long form content. So like a podcast or a YouTube channel. You capture leads, you bring them into your trust funnel. You build a relationship with your leads over time. And then the final phase, this is what so many people miss, is that you have to build belief in your solution. Not your product, the solution, or the mechanism or the way that you’re getting people the result. You have to build the belief in that before you announce your product that delivers that solution. Because people don’t buy products, they buy solutions to their problems. They buy a result of some kind. So before you launch your product, you have to make sure that people are already pre sold on it. They already have the beliefs, they already understand why this is going to work for them. They already understand the benefits, why it’s superior to other methods, why your system is better in some way, or why they need this. They already understand that before they even know your product exists. If you’re gonna launch a course, I recommend thinking of this whole journey as like a 90 day journey. So the first 30 days you’re focused on lead generation, just getting as many leads as you possibly can. The next 30 days you’re focused on building Trust with those leads through some type of community or long form content like a podcast. And then the final 30 days before you announce the product is the belief building phase, where you’re just focused on educating your potential customers about why they need the solution so that when you do announce your product, they’re already sold and ready to buy.