Costa Rica’s Unreal Beauty: A Botanical Wonderland

Costa Rica just doesn’t feel real. It doesn’t feel like I’m on earth. Like, what is this? Look how pretty these are. Like, the flowers in this country are immaculate. Like, look at all my favorite. Look, I’ve been walking around for hours just, like, looking at the plants and flowers. Let me show you guys all my favorite ones. Like, literally, look at these. These don’t look like they’re made on earth. Like, it looks fake. Like, these look. They don’t look real and they’re all real. Or look at these, like, pink flowers right here. Like, if you can tell, that pink flower. Oh, my god. Oh, this one, a purple. Like, I find T shirts this. I have a T-shirt of this color, and they just have a plant. Oh, my god, look at this deep purple. Uh, I just wanna steal and take these back to America, cause I don’t know what they’re doing, but the American plants don’t look like this. This is one of my favorites. This one of my. Look at these purple ones. Imagine how, like, imagine this in my apartment and back in New York. Oh, my god. And I have to show you, like, the greatest ones, they’re, like, over here. The best ones are, like, right here. Literally, look at these. Look how pink they are. Like, what is this? Have you ever seen this in America? No. I don’t know what Costa Rica is doing, but it is freaking Amazing. And then there’s these white ones over here, these white pink ones. I just love this country so much. I’ve so much love for the country. Except the goddamn chickens here. These chickens won’t shut up.