The Myth of Rolling Down Windows vs Using AC: Debunking Gas Consumption in Cars

Is it true that when you’re driving in a car and your windows down, that causes more like it uses gas more? I’ve heard that because the. The wind gets inside your car and it slows it down a little bit cause you feel the wind on your face. Right? Yeah. Cause the old adage was like, people say running your AC uses gas. And people say if you roll your windows down, that uses more gas than the AC. Yeah, that was. That was back in the day before it was checkable on the internet. And so I just haven’t heard that shit. I would assume that it uses more gas when your windows are down cause you have. You got all that air resistance pushing back on the inside of the car. Got you in this sense. I don’t know. Like, I’m not a man’s man when it comes to like, knowing about cars and cool shit. I don’t know shit. I can. If I take my shit to the. To the. To the car shop, I’m getting taken advantage of. I’m letting you know that right now. Cause I don’t think they can say everything is wrong, but like, bet dog, there should be a service where you can just like, rent a guy that looks like a mechanic to go with you to a. To a body shop or to a like, engine repair. Have a mechanical lawyer. Yeah, if you’re a real soy boy like Me and Aaron, you take your car, and you just got a guy wearing, like, overalls. Just greasy arms. You’ve tried everything. My client wants to, you know, check his under the hood out. You, you, you.