Finding Peace in the Midst of Anxiety: Trusting God’s Perfect Plan for Your Life

I was struggling today, just feeling overwhelmed, having a lot of anxiety and worrying about all the things that are moving in my life. And I remember this quote and it says, worry has no known benefit. It cannot change what will happen tomorrow. But it can weaken your faith, cripple your actions, destroy your inner peace of mind, and make you feel powerless. So then I decided, you know what? God’s got a perfect plan for my life. He said he knows my end from the beginning. He said before I was even formed, he knew me and he had a great plan for me. So I’m gonna stop worrying cause it does me no good. And you should stop worrying because it does you no good. None of us have any control over tomorrow. All we can do is pray and believe and cast all our cares on him because he cares for us. Stop worrying about it.